Romy Rüegger, is an artist, writer and researcher. Working with and through performance, texts, movements, sounds, rivers, friends and the archives of the unwritten. Invested in recurring questions and artistic research projects, at the intersections of politics of memory.
Recent personal exhibitions and performances have taken place at Kloental Triennale; ARé Performing Arts Festival, Yerevan; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe; ar/ge Kunst Bolzano; Kunsthalle Basel a.o. The platform A Wishful Library, gathering voices around non settled lifes and its erasures, echoed by invited and adored friends, cultural workers and workers, expanded into current questions of the administration of so called ‘migration’, has had iterations at Badischer Kunstverein, Aargauer Kunsthaus and in a former Viscose factory nearby Lucerne. Performance scripts, scores, notations and texts have been broadly published, some in a monograph by Archive Books and Scriptings Berlin and in an experimental artist publication with edition fink. A body of non-prose is hold by the M HKA's Collection of Artist Novels in Antwerp. A first comprehensive artist record has been released by Apparent Extent recently. Lectures and seminars at different art academies.